MapQuest Extension

Hi everyone,
here is my latest extension. MapQuest ( provides a number of services regarding geocode, reverse geocode, maps, routes and much more. To use their API first You have to register Your account to receive your API Key, there is a Free plan with 15,000 transactions per month.
My extension does not cover all the MapQuest API available and not all the optional parameters, but only the functions that I think are more interesting or useful (my opinion).

GEOCODE from an Address You get Latitude and Longitude
apiKey: your apiKey
location: the address

REVERSE GEOCODE from latitude and longitude You get an Address
apiKey: your apiKey
latitude: latitude coordinate
longitude: longitude coordinate

CALCULATE ROUTE You get a complete route with every single step
apiKey: your apiKey
from: Start Address
to: End Address
unit: m = miles | k = Km
routeType: fastest,shortest,pedestrian,bycicle
language: the route steps in your favourite language for example English en_US, Italian it_IT

PLACE SEARCH to find Point of Interest (POI)
apiKey: your apiKey
latitude: latitude coordinate
longitude: longitude coordinate
sort: distance,relevance
radius: A geographic circle used to bound the search (meters)
poi: the point of interest to search (museum, school, restaurant)
Note: PlaceSearch works in United States of America and Canada

GOTGEOCODE the response of a GEOCODE request
responseCode: 200 is an OK value
response: the complete Json response from MapQuest
lat: a list of all Latitude found
lon: a list of all Longitude found
mapUrl: a list of url with the map with center the latitude and longitude found
message: message if there is an error

responseCode: 200 is an OK value
response: the complete Json response from MapQuest
address: the address found with the latitude and longitude provided
mapUrl: the url with the map of the address found
message: message if there is an error

GOTROUTE the response of CALCULATEROUTE request
responseCode: 200 is an OK value
response: the complete Json response from MapQuest
directions: a list of all the directions to take during the route
lat: a list of all Latitude of the route
lon: a list of all Longitude of the route
mapUrl: a list of url with the map of every single route step
distance: the length of the route
message: message if there is an error

GOTPLACESEARCH the response of a PLACESEARCH request
responseCode: 200 is an OK value
response: the complete Json response from MapQuest
lat: a list of all Latitude found
lon: a list of all Longitude found
mapUrl: a list of url with the map with center the latitude and longitude found
address: a list with all the address of the POI found
message: message if there is an error

The Source File:
MapQuest.txt (24.1 KB)
The Extension:
MapQuest.aix (26.3 KB)
The Sample Project:
MapQuestSample.aia (43.5 KB)

MapQuestSample Project

Write the start point address
Write the end point address
Select the Route Type
Select your Language
Select miles or Km
Click on Route
Click on NEXT to see the route information and the map
If You click on My Pos the route start from your position


Write an Address
Click on Find Latitude Longitude
You receive a list of coordinates
Click on a coordinate to see the map


Write a correct Latitude and Longitude
Click on Find Address
You get the address and the map
If You click on My Pos you get the address of your position


Write a correct Latitude and Longitude
Select the Sort
Select the POI
Write a radius to bound the search
Click on Find POI
You get a list of POI with their address
Click on the POI list to see the map
Note: PlaceSearch works in United States of America and Canada

STATIC MAP (no extension)

This is an example of Static Map with route
Start: the start address of your route
End: the end anddress of your route
Image Size: the image length and width
Check flow, constructions and incidents if you want more information.
Note: flow, constructions and incidents works in United States of America and Canada

I hope You find useful
Best Regards
Marco Perrone


Be aware, MapQuest registration process is broken. They never sent the api key.

mqregbroken still waiting for verification code after a half hour. :cry:

I got it(the verification code and API key), but you have to give payment details(Google Pay/Credit Card), even for the free plan

Hi @SteveJG , this is strange I registered a second account for test two hours ago without problem.
Try this, after You type the verification code You can login and You find your api key under:


Really, as I told to @SteveJG I just registered a second account and they did not ask me credit card.
@SteveJG Did You provide payment details for your account?

Thanks Marco. Does not help, MQ is not providing the verification code. Possibly because I did not provide payment details. The question of payment was never asked. I attempted to register three times for the 'free' option. :cry: This says MQ has problems. Just tried again; failed.

Well I don't know why this happens, I just created a third account, no payment details asked, and verification code by email arrived immediately.


you can email support what it says about this problem
Ciao Marco

Thanks again Marco. Evidently

Europeans have a different sign in/ sign up.

The screen I have does not have an Allow Overage tick box option.

Thank you for your contribution...
Let me suggest you ro rename all the Get... events into Got... to use the sane naming as the existing components, for example TinyWebDB and others. .


Hi @Taifun,
modified as You suggested
Ciao Marco