No, The user enters anything wants in a text box
Thanks, But where is the 'contains any' block?
i can't find it in texts!
and i want to report user for example i use contains any block
and say when SendBTN click if textbox1 text = **** then set label 1 text to you reported
and for example the user says * * * * then the report alert didn't show to user
Click on the drop arrow in the contains block for options.
In the text rawer
Make sure to set toolkit to default in the project properties
This link might help you make your list of 'swear words' to check for
Hello again
Im workng on a chat app
I don't want to send message i want to upload and download files.
how can i ?
how do you do that? with clouddb? firebase?
to send a file, you can convert the file to base64, and send the base64 string.
or upload the file to a cloud server, and send only send the file path.
im using cloud DB
You can upload a binary image file to cloudDB, but you must use a full path and a separate tag for each file.
how to send images,videos and voices for chatting app?
cloudDB can save image/video/audio.
First cloudDB.StoreValue(imageName, imagePath), then in DataChanged event, send the imageName to other person. The other person can use GetValue to retrieve this image.
Thanks a lot!
and is there something else to send message with them? not a listview i want my messenger to send messages like this:
Thanks a lot
is there anyway to see status of that user im chatting with
i mean online and offline of status
and set an image profile how it can be?
Yes, you could do all of that with your online database.
I have made an example here, you may want to have a look:
thank you @Kevinkun
but can i ask how did you create a chat app without a listview can you show me your blocks?
Just check the link in my last post.
Using Compcreator you can create any layout you want.
Thanks @Kevinkun
i checked the aia file but the big problem this chat app have is it didn't save the message for the next time and if someone send a message and someone else comes after that message the screen is clear and user thinks no one sends any messages can you edit this and again send me the aia file?
and there were bugs in app too!
sometimes it didn't send the image sometimes it send a text two times