this one is hard to explain but i will try my best.
i have a image picker and the picture is showing on a canves and saved. i store the content in a tiny db
the name is dynamic so the name can not be overwriten.
now i want to show these pictures as thumbnails in another Arrangement (same screen but other arrangement) the thumbnailes are showing in a horizontal scroll arrangement and wen clicked on a image it should show in the bigger image obove.
i want to make it so that there are only thumbnails visible as many as the user added photos. but it does not work. what is wrong whit my code? please hemp me.
i changed it to my best doing but it still does not work.
i want to make only houses visible if there is a picture in the list. so there should be as many houses as there are pictures saved in the global kaartimagesList. but i get a error as showed below.
what am i doing wrong?
no this is thesame as making checkboxes apear wenn the tekst is filled. now i want to show pictures for every photo in the list. its the same and it should work. but i keep getting errors
i want to try one more thing, to make a listvieuwer. if that does not work i would love to get you to vieuw my aia i will send it in a pm than. thank you