Mail client SSL protocol version

I use this extension to read mails without user interaction Beta version of a client with support for smtp, pop3 and imap - Extensions - Kodular Community
I had no problems with this extension for months on different devices Android 9 and Android 13, in order to connect to POP3 servers with SSL encryption on port 995.
From september 8 , on Android 13 device I am having an issue with SSL handshake.
Sometimes I have a general error accessing mail store, other times I have a specific error :" JavaMail Exception: no enabled protocols; SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1 are no longer supported and were filtered from the list".

So on Android 13 device I have to disable SSL and to use pop3 port 110.
No issue on Android 9 or 11 with SSL on port 995

I made the following test also:

  • Factory reset on android 13 device (Samsung Galaxy A23)
  • the POP3 connection with SSL on port 995 is OK
  • after some hours the connection to POP3 server is impossible with SSL and I have the error " JavaMail Exception: no enabled protocols; SSLv3,................"

On Android Studio Emulator :

  • Android 14 - API 34 is OK
  • Android 15 - API 35 I got error

Google recently changed security policy for SSL versions on Android 13+ ?
Something updated automatically on Android 13 device ?

I can't contact the deverloper of the extension, he is not active on forums from two years.
Probably the extension code have to be updated.

Thank you

Same issue trying to use SMTP on port 465 with SSL.
Instead using SMTP port 25 without SSL is OK

May be best to find a more up to date extension

Probably the only updated extension to read emails programmatically is the one coded by SunnyTheDeveloper