I use this extension to read mails without user interaction Beta version of a client with support for smtp, pop3 and imap - Extensions - Kodular Community
I had no problems with this extension for months on different devices Android 9 and Android 13, in order to connect to POP3 servers with SSL encryption on port 995.
From september 8 , on Android 13 device I am having an issue with SSL handshake.
Sometimes I have a general error accessing mail store, other times I have a specific error :" JavaMail Exception: javax.net.ssl.SSSLHandshakeException: no enabled protocols; SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1 are no longer supported and were filtered from the list".
So on Android 13 device I have to disable SSL and to use pop3 port 110.
No issue on Android 9 or 11 with SSL on port 995
I made the following test also:
- Factory reset on android 13 device (Samsung Galaxy A23)
- the POP3 connection with SSL on port 995 is OK
- after some hours the connection to POP3 server is impossible with SSL and I have the error " JavaMail Exception: javax.net.ssl.SSSLHandshakeException: no enabled protocols; SSLv3,................"
On Android Studio Emulator :
- Android 14 - API 34 is OK
- Android 15 - API 35 I got error
Google recently changed security policy for SSL versions on Android 13+ ?
Something updated automatically on Android 13 device ?
I can't contact the deverloper of the extension, he is not active on forums from two years.
Probably the extension code have to be updated.
Thank you