Lost Projects in AI2

Hey! My domain just recently changed from lynchd@pc... to lynchdylan@pc...
With this change, my app inventor account seems to have reset. All my projects have disappeared from my account and it made me remake an account. If these apps I made on the orignal account still exist, I would love to have them back.

I can't find the icon for assigning this to the MIT person who handles this, so I advise loading from your exported .aia files until you can hear from @Susan_Lane

You should still be able to use your original email address to access your projects.

I wish I could. lynchd@pc... was changed to lynchdylan@pc.... It's no longer a google account that AI2 recognizes. My current account has none of the files that I made. I was hoping that it (lynchd@pc...) and its files somehow existed within AI2.

So you closed lynchd@pc.... before transferring everything. So it's up to MIT Guru @Susan_Lane to rescue you - may take a while as she always very busy coding.

We have connected up in PM. Thanks.

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