Looking for advice on components needed for an inventory app that uses a 2D scanner and outputs CSV with logic

I want to create a simple inventory app and would like to have some guidance on what I should be focusing on. In short, a one page form that has an input field that could be used for manual entry or the wireless 2D scanner that works with my phone, and then an export button. The name of the file can be as easy as a date/time stamp.csv.

The idea is to scan the barcode, which is the model number of the device, and then check to see if that model number has been scanned before.

If no, then add the model number to a column header and then add +1 to the inventory count.
If yes, then add +1 to the inventory count for that column.

The intention is that if I have 10 items, each has a different column that has the model at the top, and then the accumulated inventory quantities under it. When done, I would like to export it. If the calculations and logic must be done during the export, that would be okay too. Just as long as the end results show one column for each unique model, and the correct times it scanned that model.

The last part of the project will include being able to see the differences in the quantities each month, but this is baby steps and the former is the priority. Any help or nudges would be great.

Adding a column for every model number is a very unwieldy way to collect and store your data.

Adding rows instead of columns fits better with native AI2 tables (lists of lists), dictionaries, and common spreadsheet and database formats, which use unique keys in column 1 and associated counts in column 2.

For easy and simple data collection in a single device, look at using TinyDB NameSpace names built from YYYYMM year and month, with models as tags and counts as values.

Look in the Clock component for date formatting blocks.

After sleeping on the idea, I agree that the rows would be much better formatting. It was an initial thought of how to see these values, but then I realized A1 through Ax is easier to read top down vs left to right. I am currently looking at a way create this project via someone's tutorial online. Thank you for your reply, as it helps to re-calibrate a constantly changing and dynamic project even though it was considered simple in my head. When done, I will come back to my OP and display my end-results. Thank you for the nudge on TinyDB and the Clock component. They're on my list to look into tonight.

it's better to use backend programming power than letting your app handle it , like php , asp , jsp ... etc , you need to send the data from your app inventor there then you can manage what you want easily otherwise your task will be much harder to accomplish.

utter tosh! This can easily be handled inside AppInventor with lists/tinydb and/or a csv file.


for me these huge blocks of loops give me [Diplopia] plus it takes big time to test on the emulator each time running and building , that's why I relay most on backend scripts.