Locate a satellite using your cell phone camera

Anke Danke,

i have another problem.
I'm not sure if this belongs here or if I should open a new topic.
The following problem: I would like to locate a satellite with my cell phone via azimuth and elevation. I would then like to be able to see on the screen (camera) whether there is an obstacle (tree, house, ...) in the way and I would like to be able to adjust the satellite dish.
I can calculate and read angles and directions. Now the real problem:

i can turn the phone horizontally in the right direction (compass). However, if I now change the inclination to look up, the compass display changes.

does anyone have a solution to determine whether the cell phone can also display the south when the cell phone is tilted (about 30 degrees)???

What kind of satellite? A geostationary satellite used for television reception or possibly a GPS satellite used for location determination?

If a geostationary satellite, you might have success using the Orientation sensor which is designed to display pitch and roll of the Android (tilting to left and right or up or down)

and Attitude Indicator in mit app inventor - #14 by SteveJG

More tools that might help you create your depending on exactly what you want to try to do:

I probably made myself a bit complicated. I'm looking for a solution to improve the compass, and it should also show the direction correctly when the cell phone is not horizontal, but also when it looks at the sky. elevation of the targeted satellite is about 30 degrees.
2nd question in this context is whether you can get the compass more accurate with the magnetic sensor. I am currently reading the orientation sensor

I would start with a search in the Gallery for Compass


You want the compass more accurate. You do realize the sensors in your Android help you build a compass that points at magnetic North (or anything that creates a magnetic field)/ The compass you build does not point North, it points generally to magnetic North, to find true North you have to compensate for magnetic declination. The difference can vary from very little to several degrees. You might want to look at this example if you want to accurately determine true North or South.