Loading problem with elementor index on site created with wordpress

Hi, I created my website with wordpress and transformed this website into an app thanks to appinventor.mit.

Everything is fine, except that the index I created with Elementor isn't loading in the app. Instead of loading the links contained in the index, a wheel appears that loads infinitely.

I have no connection problems. How can this problem be solved?

Thanks for the attention

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

MyCardioFit.aia (73.6 KB)

Try this

MyCardioFit_revised.aia (89.9 KB)

any better ? (used webviewextra)

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Yes, it works, thanks. What did you add or change to make it work?

I just added my webviewextra extension, which adds features to the native webviewer.

If you prefer, you could try the CustomWebview extension by @vknow360

Thank you, Now I just have one last problem. When I click the back button, the app closes. How do I make the back button take you to the previous page instead of closing the app?

Use this block to manage what the back button does (just dragging it out to the blocks editor and leaving it empty will prevent the back button from doing anything!)



where do i found this Block?

I showed you in the second image above:

Blocks editor, Blocks Palette (on the left), Screen1

Sorry, I'm having some trouble. Since you already have my file. aia, can you fix this function for me for a moment? I would be very grateful.

Try it like this

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Thank you, now works. The only problem is that the app instead of closing, when you click the back button, shows a white screen.

If I click the back button while on the white screen, the app closes.

How can I prevent the white screen from showing?

Thought that might happen. The problem may be that the webviewer does not see your website as separate pages? Also, add back your website as the home URL in the designer.

where should I enter my URL? I had already entered it like this: https://mycardiofit.com

Try this one

MyCardioFit_revised2.aia (90.6 KB)

You cannot close an app when testing in companion so I have added some blocks to handle this.
If testing with apk (compiled app) set the variable development to false before compiling.

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Everything works fine now, thank you very much.

Can I add the vknow360 extension, which you recommended, to the same project where your extension is also located? And if I can do it, how should I set it up with blocks to make the most of it?

Finally, regarding zooming on the screen, how can I zoom on the screen by widening and narrowing two fingers?

By now you will have understood that I am a neophyte, I discovered this tool yesterday and it seems beautiful.

Thank you

Remove this block


Can I add the vknow360 extension, which you recommended, to the same project where your extension is also located? And if I can do it, how should I set it up with blocks to make the most of it?

Hey, sorry to bother you, in the site footer, in the app, I just noticed that the Facebook button doesn't work. In the web version it works correctly. How can it be fix?