is it possible to customize the listpicker so that it doesn't open in full screen? I want the list to appear in the form of a context menu.
is it possible to customize the listpicker so that it doesn't open in full screen? I want the list to appear in the form of a context menu.
Use a listview in an arrangement in a dialog extension instead
Dialog Any Thing Extension by Zhangzqs
No, it is not possible without creating an extension and rebuilding your own control. Here is how MIT codes the existing ListPicker appinventor-sources/appinventor/components/src/com/google/appinventor/components/runtime/ListPicker.java at master · mit-cml/appinventor-sources · GitHub .It might be used as a model for the extension you might build.
See Tim's suggested work around to make a type of context menu.
Or use a spinner....
Thanks, this is exactly what i need!!
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