i am having alist view consist of course code and i want when i select any one the elements from this list the course name appears after selecting the element (note : i have a api each course with its related name and the list view appears correctly with course code ) .. i am try to store selection in variable and when i click on element of the list the name will appears but itdoesnt success any heeelp ...... all i want in summary when i click on any one of the elements which contain the course code it`s name will appear in notification
You do not appear to be adding the course name to your listview elements ?
If you did, thenyou need to extract the course name from the listview selection then use text blocks to do this.
(you do not show a listview selection, so difficult to advise...)
sorry i can`t understand what you meaning ...
all i want is the course name to be appeared when clicking on the course code from listview element is there any way to make that?
the course code appears already in list view >> i want when pressing on any one of themto get the value of that`s code which will be the course name from the api
when i doing what you mentioned for ... when i press on any of listview elements the same course code elements appears again ... all i wantwhen press on code fetch the name (all that keys and values from api)
let me explain to you from scratch
i have json file from api :
"course_ID": "",
"course_Name": "اOSA"
"course_ID": "",
"course_Name": "اBA"
i want elements to be appeared only the course code .
but the course name will be appeared when i select the element . plz i need ahelp...... i succefully appears the course code >> but i dont know how to make when pressing on any element its related name will appeared demand on json file
Use your listview.selectionIndex block to return the index of the listview elements, then you can use this to display the course name associated with that index.
really thank you reallly ... .....and another question later if i have 3 keys in json file (adding to name and code the content for example ) which part will be added to your solution ?