List view selected colour not changing

Hello there. I have 4 listviews in my app, and one refuses to light up after an item is selected. I've gone through all the typical highlight.
Is there a bug in AI2 that causes this or a similar quirk?

No problem here ...
Sample run
four_listviews.aia (1.3 KB)

I'm putting it down to a quirky chromebook. It has developed many "quirks".
I think it is fast becoming a paperweight/tv

Do you have anything in your blocks that can change the behavior of the "selection"? For example, clearing the list? Or just no highlighting right after adding the ListView to the project?

I spend half an hour going through all the code to find nothing like that. I added a fifth listview, as plain as plain as be, and it does NOT highlight the selections either.
the only manipulation that takes place at run time is changing text size and colour, which happens to all list views, but doing so causes no adverse reactions to the others

Share the project for testing to rule out any potential error. If you don't want to post it here, you can PM me.

I have removed any code from the event block to demonstrate what happens after clicking. Interestingly, the cursor changes whilst over the third item down on the left hand list

I understand you are testing this directly on chromebook? As an apk or in companion?

on chromebook

Are you installing from apk or companion?
I think the text color doesn't match either. I think it's some Chromebook bug.

the text colour can be changed by the user, I will try it on a device.

I ran a device companion, a CAT s62 w/android 11. It does not highlight the selected item there either.

Share the project as I wrote above.

you will have to remind me how to drop an aia in here

SelectionColor - transparent.


But I don't know how to get to the place in the movie. You probably don't set the selection color in blocks.

you are looking at a different list view. Its the one called LV faves
This is the property for the one in question

Ok, so why does this right listview have a grey selection colour if it is set to transparent in the designer?

you are looking at two different list views.

Ok, I found these ListView.

This procedure sets the list elements:

And you call it every time you click on an element of any list:

So you don't see the selection because it disappears after each click...

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