List View not working for Tinydb :

Thr above is my blocks where i cannot get the datas in text box with index value from tiny db , please help

Add a index in list blocks here




But uses more blocks for no reason....

Try it the first way

Thank you for your comments

, but i facing the following error

Hello Aravinth

Your code is basically right, but it maybe that the Screen Initialisation is disrupted by your early call to populate lists. Try this:

Of course, the fault could be in the way you store the data, but you do not show that very relevant info in your screenshot.

We need to see all of your blocks Aravinth. However, I can just see that your ListPicker . After Picking Block code is faulty. It should look like this:


.... even that is overkill. The List Picker is populated with the List NAME, so the List Picker selection, which you already use on the List Picker button, is going to be the same in TextBox3. If you have to have the same info twice on the same screen:


Are you back on your horse Aravinth?