LIST VIEW I showing tags I have not added in my app

LIST VIEW I showing tags I have not added in my app. I started a fully new project but it is still doing that. I deleted my old project but still showing tags I have not entered in the whole project. What to do????

PS: I searched the community but didn't find any doubt doubt like this..


Pls reply fast

Sorry, I couldn't quite comprehend you. Did you mean to say that the ListView is showing something it's not supposed to?

Yes, it is showing things that i have not added in the app

It sounds like you are using the companion app? There is only one tinydb database when using the companion app, all apps will have access to the data.

You can either:

  • ClearAll when you run your new app
  • Use a different namespace for each app you develop (you will need to set this to store and retrieve data)
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