List view - Google sheet

Hi ,

I have some troubles with List View to add a Google sheet content .Does it work really? Each time I’ve tried to insert that functionality , same error message appears .

Could you please help to find the problem .

Best regards,


You do not show your google sheet content or the blocks used to retrieve the content from the google sheet.

to find out if the response content in the Web.GotText event is a table in csv format, let me suggest you to display the result in a label as test…


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Hi ,

Don’t understand what you mean ?can you be more explicit .There is no problem with the csv file .I checked it out .

Here are all blocks screen shots .

Best regards,



learn to debug your project, see again my previous answer
and also use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools

Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.


Here the blocks in english.


Cannot parse text argument to 'list from csv table' as a CSV-formatted table

the error message is trying to tell you, that is was not possible to convert the response content into a list

so what is the value of the response content?
to find it out, use a label component and
set Label1.Text to get response content



Right ,

So which block shall I debug exactly by “I do”? do you think it will work or better to find an other way to do this .
I’ve tried “i do” to

call format ,same result .


It does not look like you read my previous answer...
See also Scott's tip How to use 'Do It' to view procedure results, event arguments and local variables.



Hi !
See the changes , is it correct ?or not ? could you draw a little bit more for me to be more explicit .
Don’t know how to diplay the result in a label .

Thank you


Ok ,

What should I do with the rest of the GOTEXT.

Blue part !


You want to display the response content in the label, don't you? At least this was my suggestion...

And you want to do that to find out, what exactly will be returned... you are expecting a table in csv format, but as the error message is trying to tell you it is not...
after correcting your blocks, you might want to reveal, what exactly will be displayed in that label then...
this also is called debugging...
and after that, then we can think about how to continue...
so why did you use the global variable program? Does this make any sense?
