List index too large

I don't understand why it gives me this error? I create a simple list, and I call it with dynamic components... but when I get to 10 it gives me this error... but I didn't put blocks
something so simple but it's driving me crazy...
can anyone help me?

Screenshot 2024-10-21 221859
Screenshot 2024-10-21 221917
Screenshot 2024-10-21 221931

Ciao Luca,
onestamente non ho guardato in dettaglio i tuoi blocchi, ma permettimi un consiglio in "generale": posta i blocchi in inglese, altrimenti la maggior parte dei Power Users non riesce a capire quello che hai fatto e riduci quindi la possibilità di essere aiutato.
(Ovviamente non mi riferisco ai nomi di variabili o etichette, ma i blocchi).

Dear Luca, please take a look here : how can you compare a logic value (green blocks) against a "make an empty list" which is a blue one ?
As far as I know the "create empty list" does not give back a boolean (that allows to be compared with a green block). Probably the issue isn't there, but pay attention to it :thinking:

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You are Welcome!

The error seems to be here »

It is not possible to understand where the amount of NUMEROCOLORE came from... because it is not possible to see when this global variable was fed...

In any case, the error message is saying that you intend to take component number 10 from a 9 element listing.

It would be good if:

  • Leave your blocks in English

  • Exhibit a complete image of all the readable blocks, with good resolution, to identify when and how the amount of NUMEROCOLORE was defined.




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:smiley: thank you very much.
I kept checking the data list, but the problem was the color list. A simple mistake, but I didn't realize it. :see_no_evil:

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