Link: Make your app's UI more beautiful with Haikei ! 💯

Hello everyone ! :wave:
Want to make your app's UI more attractive ? You can do it ! :grin:
Here's the website -

Demo video -

Get, Set and Gooo !!

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Nice guide :slight_smile:.

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Thanks Gordon :boom: !

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This is not a guide or tutorial. A guide/tutorial also shows how you can use the result in App Inventor with some screenshots or blocks if necessary.

Maybe tell something about file sizes and pixels to prevent users from making images that cause memory problems.

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It's there in the video. (16:9, Vertical)

That is just a number. Explain what it means? You don't tell anything about file size. What will happen if you make an image to large? Does this number work for all Phones, Android and iOS. Does it work for all tablets? What will happen to the image if you have made it 16:9 and use it on a phone/tablet for instance with 8:5 or 3:4. In your video you show 16:9, that is horizontal. 9:16 is vertical.

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What if the user does 4k/8k image which may not be supported by app inventor please make devs aware of it!

I made a 9:16 image and downloaded as png, filesize only 9.9kb
