Lauch extension - Processing Image CV (Computer Vision applied to images AI).

We present the first CV (Computer Vision) image processing extension, which covers the following algorithms:

*Count Objets inside image.
*Find Contour with Sobel algorithm (Processing Image Countour).
*Choose Color to convert image
*Comparate Images
*Convert to Array Binary
*Convert to Gray
*Convert to Sepia
*Convert to White-Black
*Create Mirror Image
*Cretae Random Image
*Apply Gaussian algorithm in image
*Apply Median Filter in image *
*Resize Image
*Features Image
*Copy Image.

NOTE: All models run directly from your smartphone; No internet connection or external services are required.

Image processing is the set of techniques that are applied to digital images with the aim of improving quality or facilitating the search for information.

Computer Vision is a scientific discipline that includes methods to acquire, process, analyze and understand images of the real world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information so that they can be processed by a computer. Just as humans use our eyes and brains to understand the world around us

Applications: Object detection, Image analysis, Counting objects in an image.

The user guide is described in each image. However, if you want more details about other AI or Machine Learning Extensions, you can visit our website:

Example - Computer Vision – Object counting inside image.

To download the Extension for matrix operations and others, you can go to the GitHub reference site: Just download the ZIP file, unzip it and you will find the .AIX extension.

NOTE: The extensions have a 30-day trial per month. You must download them each month at no cost.

You can use them free of charge by renewing them monthly.

If you need a version that doesn't expire monthly, you have the option to purchase it on the same site. This will help maintain the site and create more extensions in the Machine Learning and AI areas.

New technologies like AI, quantum computing, and others should be accessible to everyone; accessible education creates a better world.

OpenQbit / SciBlock / ooEGO

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Please update the screenshot to follow the naming conventions


Hi Taifun, thanks...

Sorry, I forgot to update the image, it's now corrected, as is the extension.

Ready !!!

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