Lat and lon on labels

As I posted here!topic/mitappinventortest/6QMxGBIwhl8

I want that lat and long appear on label1 and label2.
Also if I am not moving when I open app take lat and lon from the sensor and put them in the labels.

Unfortunately you got some bad advice on the Forum Post Nics.

The LocationSensor1.Enabled should be set to true in the Screen1.Initialize block and after about 30 seconds, should display provided you follow guidelines here> Using the Location Sensor

Happy New Year and welcome to what is supposed to be a ‘better’ Forum.

Try this

and, if your Android device is not in a metal building probably will produce a result in 60 seconds or less with the default LocationSensor settings.

You really want this “I am not moving when I open app take lat and lon from the sensor and put them in the labels.”? The LocationSensor LocationChanged event ‘fires’ when it ‘thinks’ the device has moved…actually the LocationSensor is not as accurrate as most think because EVERY time it acquires a new satellite fix, whether the Android is stationary or not, the event will Fire. Ready about Accuracy in the Using the Location Sensor link to find out why. This image was captured from a Stationary Android over a period of 10 minutes or so … RingFence2 . The ‘real’ location is circled, the others are +/- 50 meters away. I said the tool is a bit stupid.

– Steve