Las app se demoran para cargar (Apps take time to load)

Programa_de_gobiernoCamiloFlorez (3).aia (1.8 MB)

Programa_de_gobierno2 (1).aia (2.9 MB)

Muy buenos dias.
Cordial saludo.

He desarrollado una aplicación a la que le he hecho una copia, esta copia la he modificado con algunos ajustes solo de imágenes.

Ambas aplicaciones funcionan pero cuando las compilo para usar el apk cargan demasiado lento, al punto que bloquean el dispositivo móvil.

Les agradezco su valioso apoyo para corregir este inconveniente.

Very good days.
Best regard.

I have developed an application to which I have made a copy, I have modified this copy with some image-only adjustments.

Both apps work but when I compile them to use the apk they load too slow, to the point that they crash the mobile device.

Thank you for your valuable support to correct this inconvenience.

Looks like you are not switching screens correctly.

Either consider:

Use virtual screens


Use different screens wisely

If you decided to use different screens, then you should switch them correctly, else you will run out of memory after a while...      
The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor
(Thanks Taifun)
Also see demo: multiscreen.aia