Is there any way I can save the text in a label as an image that can later be accessed by the user through the gallery
Can I take screenshot of only a certain area on the screen (the location of the label )?
Doesnt really works
here is my code
I cant find it in my storage nor does the image change
Need write external storage permission for writing and read external storage permission for reading the file.
No it save to external storage.
Will that work on Android 11/ API30 ? I don't think so....
I guess you can add the rest of the path:
Extension is updated
Read more from above link.
Thank you
Jerin Jacob
err, you do not need to ask for write permission for the asd, in fact for android 11 you cannot ask for that permission
What about older android versions ?
Currently on Q and above devices file store to ASD, but for older versions it stores in External storage like I said earlier.
If there is something wrong or if anyone able to test on older devices and found bugs let me know.
Thank you
Jerin Jacob
I will do some testing and report back....
OK it works fine on Android 10+ and on Android <10.
Developer would need to to check API level to avoid error 908 if Android 10+ and asking for Write_External_Storage permission.
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