Kodular questions concerning ad extension, irrelevant for here

I packaged my app, installed it and I got this error:
App could not be initialized. Malicious extension com.oseamiya.unityads found

There is no "Install anyway" option?

It's when I open the app

I think you have some very strict antivirus software.

I have bitdefender
Can i send screenshots here?

I think bitdefender is blocking your app. Screenshots won't change anything. Recognizes the extension as malicious code.

Here's a screen:

Check if you can disable ad code blocking in bitdefender settings.

I was using Kodular, I just tried in AppInventor and it works

Guess it's something kodular implemented so I buy their premium

Now in testing mode, it works. But not when I disable testing mode I guess lol

If you use Kodular then ask in their community.

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ok thanks