Ken"s slider tools doesn't work on invisible layout


I use Ken's slider tools for vertical sliders. they are on invisible layout on screeninit.
When i set them on screeninit, it doesnt work. If i switch to the slider's screen then the thumbs are invisivle and doesn't seems to work when i pull them. Can't se a change on an attached label.
Of course it is workable around by setting the sliders when their layout is switched to visible. There is a tiny moment when they go to their position, but i can live with that for now.
Anyway i wonder if it is an AI2 "feaute", for example the extensions only works on visible layout, or it is a bug and i shall inform Ken about it.

Yes, Almost all extensions are provided by third parties, for issues with extensions, please contact the developer.

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Ok. Thank you!

Try setting them right after you make your slider screen visible.

If that doesn't work, please provide a small project with this issue and I'll take a look at it.

Thank you for your answer, Ken.

Of course it is workable around by setting the sliders when their layout is switched to visible. There is a tiny moment when they go to their position, but i can live with that

As i wrote it is works that way.
Just thougt i report it. Just in case :slight_smile:
Oh, And for the record: The thumb shape and coloring thing is working fine on invisible layout, but the vertical feature is not.

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Sorry, I missed that part.
Because of the way it works, for Vertical Slider the Arrangement needs to be visible.

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