Just 3 easy updates to do for you

where can we find the apps we published in the gallery? can you update MIT app inventor by just updating 3 things. please?

1: can you add my apps feature in the gallery to find our published apps in gallery.

2: can you disable adding apps as people can publish apps just by opening them and publishing again can you just open the apps in the emulator instead of showing the whole programming and revealing the secrets of coding and let us try to make such apps as others as people can only open the app see the coding and publish as their own app.and just because of that people get lazy by just opening the app and publishing as their own app

3: give free emulator with MIT app inventor


  • 1: can you add my apps feature in the gallery to find our published apps in gallery.

You can use Search for apps to find apps you published there by typing the words you saved your app with. …


When you find one of your apps, the Gallery will also a display a box showing other apps donated by the author of that app that looks something like this: searchAuthor

  • 2: can you disable adding apps as people can publish apps just by opening them and publishing again can you just open the apps in the emulator instead of showing the whole programming and revealing the secrets of coding and let us try to make such apps as others as people can only open the app see the coding and publish as their own app.and just because of that people get lazy by just opening the app and publishing as their own app.

When you publish to the Gallery, you give your implicit consent for other developers to use and reproduce your code. If you do want to do that, publish on Google Play. The Gallery is established for developers to SHARE code. One reason for the existence of the Gallery is for new developers to learn from the work of others. Disabling the ability of re-using the code defeats that purpose. If you do not want others to use your code, do not publish it to the Gallery. You cannot change the way it works.

  • 3: give free emulator with MIT app inventor

MIT App Inventor provides a ‘free’ emulator.

Use the Emulator: Instructions . Did you find it?
