I am facing the JsonTextDecode issue: "0" converted to "false" and "1" converted to "true" as described in iOS Bug in Web's JsonTextDecode / JsonTextDecodeWithDictionaries
It is working fine with Android (companion and built version) as well with iOS companion, but the issue is still there when I build the iOS application (.ipa)
This makes sense at the moment. The buildserver hasn't been updated with the latest iOS version yet, which has the bugfix. I'll post an announcement when the server is updated. Currently I'm on my way back from FOSDEM so it likely won't get done until next week.
Thanks for your feedback and the fix in the coming week
It would be good to have a list of the current bug, limitation with iOS. Actually, it took me a couple of days to find out that the route cause of my "irritants ..." iPhone message was due to this bug.
Would it be possible to have a place (in this blog, in https://doesappinventorrunonios.com/ or somewhere else) where current bugs, limitation (related to a specific release) would be listed?
I know iOS version is still in Beta, but having this information would really help ( I already proposed this a while ago ...)
Thanks to all the dev team, App Inventor is a great tool