JSON Text Decode reverses key and value

Hello everyone,
I receive from my ESP32 by Bluetooth a JSON Data of the form :



The reception JSON Data is good: key "id" first, then sensor key second as in my Arduino code: "altiSun", "zenith"
On the other hand, once decoded by "CallWeb1.JsonTextDecode" it reclassified in the table all the keys in alphabetical order so I have an exchange of keys for keys not starting with "a": it put id first, then "parking" (and "zenith") second.

in the ListView1 it display the index of position 1 which does not give me the expected keys.
How to force "CallWeb1.JsonTextDecode" to decode in the order of the keys / values ​​received?

I would like to avoid adding extensions to keep the code easy to understand because ...
P.S I am a beginner in Mit app, I learn quickly but you have to explain to me for a long time lol

Please post your ESP32 code too.

It's hard to determine the logical structure of your data from the overly short data stream sample.

here it is:

String message = "memoires:["
               "{\"id\":1,\"altiButeeH\":" + String(altiButeeH) + "},"
               "{\"id\":2,\"altiButeeB\":" + String(altiButeeB) + "},"
               "{\"id\":3,\"aziButeeO\":" + String(aziButeeO) + "},"
               "{\"id\":4,\"aziButeeE\":" + String(aziButeeE) + "},"
               "{\"id\":5,\"aziOffset\":" + String(aziOffset) + "},"
               "{\"id\":6,\"altiOffset\":" + String(altiOffset) + "},"
               "{\"id\":7,\"aziPanelFloat\":" + String(aziPanelFloat) + "},"
               "{\"id\":8,\"altiPanelFloat\":" + String(altiPanelFloat) + "},"
               "{\"id\":9,\"altiSun\":" + String(altiSun) + "},"
               "{\"id\":10,\"altiPanel\":" + String(altiPanel) + "},"
               "{\"id\":11,\"aziSun\":" + String(aziSun) + "},"
               "{\"id\":12,\"aziPanel\":" + String(aziPanel) + "},"
               "{\"id\":13,\"aziVitesseSlide\":" + String(aziVitesseSlide) + "},"
               "{\"id\":14,\"altiVitesseSlide\":" + String(altiVitesseSlide) + "},"
               "{\"id\":15,\"aziVitesse\":" + String(aziVitesse) + "},"
               "{\"id\":16,\"altiVitesse\":" + String(altiVitesse) + "},"
               "{\"id\":17,\"parkingPosi\":" + String(parkingPosi) + "},"
               "{\"id\":19,\"zenith\":" + String(zenith) + "}"

      Serial.print("affMemoires ");
      sendBluetoothMessage(message);  //========> TX Bluetooth

And the sendBluetoothMessage function :

void sendBluetoothMessage(const String& message) {
   SerialBT.print('\n');  // Ajout d'une nouvelle ligne pour plus de clarté

to retrieve global value, I split the message at the first ":". I deduce the complete JSON message: [{"id":1,"altiButeeH":14},{"id":2,"altiButeeB":87}....] as seen in lab_jsonData.

What do you want to show in your listview ? The records are still in the same order (by id number) after decoding

Besides the ListView presentation, how do you want to accumulate the data?

  • List of lists (table) structure with prescribed column order from the 19 row IDs, with a header row?
  • List of dictionaries, each with 19 attributes?

look at the first object: {"id":1,"altiButeeH":10}
Translation => [["altiButeeH",10],["id":1]] because "a" is placed before "i"
1st index of the list => (altiButeeH 10). Perfect.

Iook at the last object: {"id":19,"zenith":25}
Translation => [["id",19],["zenith":25]] because "i" is placed before "z"
1st index of the list => (id 19) . Bad

It seems that the translation puts in first place in the Array , the first of the 2 objects in alphabetical order: alti..., azi..., id.
Imagine if I had an object {"key":1,"deviceWest":10}
Translate => [["deviceWest",10],["key":1]] because "d" is before "k"
1st index => (deviceWest 10)

Obviously the final step is to display a dynamic table whose number of lines varies with the payload:
But I wanted to keep it simple at the beginning to understand what I was doing and not stupidly copy/paste. :smile:
Once again without using extensions (if possible).

superNinja.aia (3.4 KB)

This can order the ListView Elements by id number.


Also, see here:

Thank you very much, that's great. Oddity: there is a gap in the list??

ID 18 had a seat reserved for him but he never showed up.

Use a list filter block on the Elements list on the way into the Listview if it bothers you, at the cost of losing SelectionIndex.

my mistake I removed the id 18 in my arduino code and I didn't correct it. Which brings up a question: how to automatically count the number of objects in the JSON I receive to adapt listOfEmpties to the numbers received? here it's 19 but it would be good if it adapts automatically?

Write a procedure called Replace with that functionality, first checking list length and adding extra blank items enough to bring the index in range.

Use that procedure instead of the AI2 replace block.

superNinja.aia (3.6 KB)

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It works great! It's up to me to decipher what you did now : :yum:
Thank you so much

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