Javascript, not working

Yes, I know, I tested and it works only with a value entered permanently into the script. You misunderstand my problem. Passing a value from appinventor to the script does not work in this script. It works only the other way. I don't know what the problem is. 1 script works, 2 does not work.

From my observations, it is impossible to pass text in the form "\ x35" to the webviewstring component. I don't know why, it is possible that this character is automatically encoded to another form?


I managed to achieve my goal by using the "htmltextdecode" block. The input is "& # xC4; & # x85", at the output of "htmltextdecode" I have "Ä…". Such data is given to the "webviewstring" block, the script converts it to the letter "ą". Success. Now I have to work out a reversal of this, but I don't know if it will be that easy ...

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