I've lost all the previous projects

There were a lot of projects under my account but when I logged in today I realized that I lost them all.
How can I recover my previous projects?
Thank you!

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I don't know about this but its strange :thinking:

  • check if you logged in with another account...
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Check the Trash too.


Click on 'View Trash'.

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Comunque è buona norma creare sul disco fisso, una copia del file AIA di ogni tuo progetto; affinchè tu possa prevenire una cancellazione accidentale dal cloud.

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Are you absolutely sure that you are logged in with the same account?

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Which server were you logged onto?

  • ai2.appinventor.mit.edu or
  • code.appinventor.mit.edu ?
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Something must have happened behind the scenes. Now it all came back, but the other 2 that I crated when it was empty got lost.
I care less about those though, they are easy to redo.
And I am absolutely sure I used the same Google account.
That would be nice to know what it could be. I should have taken a screenshot when those were missing and now when they are back.
Anyway thanks everyone who took the effort and time and replied to my issue.

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There was probably a bad internet connection temporarily.

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