Issue with retrieving my zipped audio folder

Hi there,
I just built a little example to ensure that I master the technologies behind before integration in a larger App.
The idea is simply to record short audio clips in a named folder, then compress this folder using one of Taifun's utilities, code it using KIO4_Base64 before sending it to my drive.
The bottleneck is related to the coding stage.
The function KIO4_Base64.FileToString returns systematically "File not found' while I've been checking (see my blocks) that they're there.
Obviously I'm not addressing the file properly what it is that thing I'm doing wrong ?
Should you want to get the aia it's here S2T
In case it works the zipped files should appear in this folder too.

Thx in advance.

I suggest you carefully check the file paths for your zipped files. You do not say which android version you are using, if 10+ then you will probably need to use the ASD blocks for the base64 extension. You may have to add or remove parts of the file path to get it working correctly.

Run your app in companion, then use the Do It facility, or set filenames to labels to check the file path at each stage.

See here for a guide:

Also you do not/should not need web headers or saveresponse blocks when uploading the file.

Thanks Tim for your prompt answer. As per debugging the "Do it" thing is my first tool and doing it systematically. The paths looks ok (at least for me). I'm just running the emulator for these operations. Actually it works fine with pure text files generated with the "file" component. therefore no Android yet.
I'll try that ASD and see if I can get it solved.
Thx also for the recommendations re the headers.

this path
does not exist...
do you like to use a path on the internal (emulated) sdcard?
if yes, then the correct path would be /storage/emulated/0/myFirstApp
however after App Inventor targets SDK30, you will only be able to access the ASD - application specific directory... you already might want to use that path now... for details do a search in the community...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Thx Taifun for the suggestion. I'll dig into that ASD then.
BTW I wanted to have a path because of the further test I need to run.
I'll get back here with whatever solution I end-up with.

All the best.