Issue when I use text with single quote

I would like to use search item, if item matches then display result. But when i type text with single quote there is issue ;(((


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This must be your favourite error message :wink:

You may need to do a text replacement routine on your search term to change the apostrophe to another character while you work with a csv table. I remember doing something similar in the google apps script so that the data that came down had apostrophe replacements, then once the data was converted to an AI2 list i reversed the replacement.

The alternative is to not use apostrophes in your data. You can setup routines in the app or in google sheets to prevent their use or to remove them if present.

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Unicode has another character for apostrophe, which may not be recognised as such by the CSV:


See Spacing modifier letters:

and the html entity is '


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This must be your favourite error message :smiley: :rofl: :joy:

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You may get unexpected results using double quotes to provide query criteria....

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