ISLAMIC Tasbeeh counter extention [internet request]

tasbeeh counter extention🔥


I MADE this extention by niotron ide it uses a website for tasbeeh i made on github with many features like dark,light modes and target and more

blocks (7)



use this block to show counter in a web viewer:

blocks (10)


use these blocks to save your tasbeeh variable:

blocks (12)


use this to make WHEN count changed event :

finally you can run dark,light modes and target blocks by java script block in web viewer

taspeeh (5).aia (214.6 KB)

TasbeehCounter (4).aix (6.3 KB)

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What is the benefit of this over simply adding 1 to a tag value in cloudDB ?

or with your own firebase project to increment a tag value...?

seems a bit like a sledgehammer to crack a nut, unless I am missing something ...

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if you mean join block in the tag part it's just for showing instruction " you can use device info extention for device id tag like aia example " because when i use it without join block it doent appear fully

No, I mean something like this:

do you mean in aia or instructions i didn't understand you as well as i didnt use any ''add 1'' block in cloud db

I must be missing something then.

What is your extension supposed to do ?

A full description in the first post of your topic would help.