Is there anyway to reduce final apk build size please?

Hi @Diego, Thanks for your very useful clarifications.

Nevertheless if we want to to make AI a more efficient and optimized software that returns optimized apps, the optimization of the resulting compiled file IMHO is still something that has to be achieved.

For testing purposes I have just created a new empty project and I have downloaded it as aia file and also compiled it, and downloaded it as apk file. I did nothing else.

The aia file is just a little bit more than 900 bytes, 4.00 KB on disk, good enough, nothing to say about it
But I was expecting to have a very little apk file (it's just an empty Screen1 after all). But with my huge surprise it is 3.28 MB. It is more than 2 floppy disks for an empty screen: IMHO it is too much.

For comparison if I make an empty HTML file to simulate the same behavior with a web page the file is 0 bytes . If I make an hta file, an empty dialog are in the worst scenario few rows of code or so.

If I make a empty project in C# it is few KB: for example I have created a Windows 32 bit software for myself that does screenshots and has the possibility to upload the resulting images online by ftp protocol: after compiling it is just 260 kb: pretty good compared with an AI empty screen or so.

I understand the issue of building the basic file over and over again for server / cpu time. But there must be a solution to get rid of all that surplus of memory that is occupied without to be needed: it is an overkill IMHO.
Also maybe that all that unwanted code into the resulting apk file could even be exploited by some malware to do things into smartphones which are not even predictable. So there could be an intrinsic and not needed risk of having a such app into a own device that has unused code, files, libraries, class, jar... etc. that aren't strictly needed.
If those functions are strictly needed the risk is something that we must deal with, necessarly. But if those functions aren't strictly needed that risk is something that can be completely ignored?

Let's think about that issue too.

Thanks in advance.

I have already answered here how about the issue can be IMHO faced and solved. But of course better solutions are more than welcome too.

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A post was split to a new topic: My app is 44.2mb and I can’t download it