Is there any extension to display a json or a dictionary in a read-only tree view?

Hi there,

Is there any extension to display a json or a dictionary in a read-only tree view?
I just need to display it and allow the user to explore it.

Thanks in advance,

Hi, can you give an example of how the user would be able to explore it?
Do you want to display the JSON/Dictionary in a beautified and organized manner?

Hi @Kumaraswamy

I mean in a hierarchical manner, collapsing and expanding nodes, going down into lower levels, etc.


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Hi @ABG,

Initially it could work, but I need to provide navigation options. The dictionary to be displayed has some nodes that are extensive and I must allow the user to collapse them in order to view multiple summary data at a glance.

I'm reviewing some json viewers online to get some ideas, maybe I can view it in WebViewer. Would that be possible?

Best regards,

This is as far as I have gotten on this problem.

I don't have a complete solution yet.

Search the board for FAQ JavaScript Stunts for how to package any web based solutions you find

This looks like it can work OK in a webviewer:


Thanks @TIMAI2,

I´m working on it.
It is neccesary write a html doc that import this library and receive the generated JSON through the parameter WebViwerString.

I will let you know the result.


And, voilà,

<!doctype html>
<title>Score datasheet</title>

<body onload="processAppInventorInput();">
<b>Score sheet</b>
<div class="scoresheet"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jsonview.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var appInventorInput = window.AppInventor.getWebViewString();
    function processAppInventorInput() {
        const tree = jsonview.create(appInventorInput);
        jsonview.render(tree, document.querySelector('.scoresheet'));


I thank you again,
Best regards,


Could you also post the sample .aia file, with required Media folder contents?

Sure @ABG,

Here you are.
webjson.aia (5.8 KB)


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Also, the basics

jsonTreeView.aia (6.0 KB)

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(added to FAQ)

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