The targetSdkVersion is always the current version required by Google (currently SDK 33). The minSdkVersion is 7 as long as no components or extensions are used that needs a higher version and declares it in the Manifest.
I believe that my app doesn't use any of those components, or extensions. I was just asking because, I have published an .apk on the Play Store. But, it's not compatible with the latest Android phones. I will show you what I see in the Google Play Console :
Thanks Taifun, you have helped me multiple times before. But, showing me the old messages that say "Violation fixed" doesn't help me here.
The first version I published in the Play Store, it got almost 10K downloads. I have made it even better, and I have been trying to update it for weeks now. I had major issues with the Google Play App signing thing.I was trying to use the .aab file. But, when I uploaded the app's .apk file, I got past the app signing bllsht.
But, the version that it was updated to doesn't work on the latest Android devices.
Artificial intelligence Hallucinating might be sending me down the wrong path to get my app working on the latest version of Android.
Now, I am hoping that someone will be able to help me with my "Target API"?
Oh, actually, I just downloaded a new .apk and I edited the release in the Console. It might be fixed, thanks again.