I wish to have good url link for the app that i publish. Is there any addon for that to create right package name? or is there any easy alternative way to make what i said?
Did you search the community? This has been asked many times before.
See also here:
Can we expect that mit app inventor will offer this feature as well in future?
First start all servers.
Yes, now I can work on offline mit ai2. It is working.
The cons of using AI2 Offline :
- you won't be able to import aia from there in App Inventor
- if something goes wrong or you face any issue then you won't get any help from App Inventor community
Ask your questions here
AI2Offline download | SourceForge.net
It is possible to import the exported .aia file from ai2 online into ai2 offline. But, i don't know if ther any disadvantage.. let me check.
We have been here before. There appear to be some idiosyncrasies with AI2Offline that makes its projects behave different with AI2, and vice-versa. It is best to not mix the two. As has been said, we cannot provide support for an aia project that comes from AI2Offline.
okay. My goal is only to get right url for my app after I publish in google play. I don't like the url that online app inventor produce. The url that they make is completely like kidding the creator of the app.app url means package name.
Rather than worrying about the package name, make sure your app is helpful and useful. Ultimately, practically no one of your potential customers is interested in the package name.
Yes, eventhough I speak like this in my previous reply to @TIMAI2, I am very thankful for this space (mit ai2 online) that offered me facility to make app in a most simple way.