Is there a way to understand the state/district of a user automatically by getting their pin code? Can the app automatically calculate the approximate geographical location like state/district of the person if a person provide pincode in the app?
you need a lookup table of pincode and locations.
Can a location sensor provide the pincode/state/district of a person automatically?
No, not automatically. The LocationSensor Documentation can usually provide some of the information required to determine an Indian pin number (provided the property description is in Google's database).
A developer might be able to code a probable pin code. He/she would use the LocationSensor.CurrentAddress and the information provided by the government at the Indian pin number link above.
Create a cross reference table to determine the pin. Accurate???? See @Kevinkun 's post.
However, I was told by one user, the CurrentAddress is structured in his country like this:
Street number and name
Town name
County name
So you might be able to capture the pin in India by parsing the LocationSensor's Current Address.
You can achieve it by using openstreet free api key along with html and js. But user should allow access location permission
It will give you the pincode