I have a text box and only want the user to be able to type in emoji. Is there a test to check if a character is an emoji?
Yes, you can check if a character or a full string (text) if contains an emoji.
Just execute this JavaScript in the invisible web-view:
And then use a block called "WebViewStringChangeEvent".
You should have to check conditions like this:
And if you want to remove emojis refer to this topic:
and navigate to the section called "Filter emojis".
EmojiCheck.aia (1.9 KB)
Thank you! I'll be attempting this tomorrow, and will let you know how it goes.
Also, I don't want to remove emoji; I want to remove everything EXCEPT emoji. I think this solution should work well, though!
Hello! Sorry to bother you again.
Your code to remove emojis works brilliantly, but I need to do the opposite: remove everything except emoji. I tried searching on the internet for how to do that, or for how to negate a regex (I think you used a regex?) but what I tested did not work. I'm not familiar with JavaScript or regexes at the moment.
How should I change the replace command to remove everything except for emoji?
First split the text into a character array then you loop over each character and if it's an emoji then you append it into a new text variable if it's not emoji, then don't append it. Simple.
Lemme know if you're stuck somewhere
I'll research how to split the text, and will try this later! Thanks
If I get stuck I'll send a reply.
I think I got it!
I cant split the text into a character array, because some characters which are a single grapheme contain multiple Unicode characters.
But even if I can't, the grapheme-splitter library can!
I added the library into my project, and can use it to get a proper character array, then use the process you described.
If I have any problems I'll ask them, but I think I got it now. As a newer App Inventor user, thank you for showing me all these tools!
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