Is there a way to compile to a newer android version?

Hello everyone, i'm pretty new to MIT app inventor, but one thing i've noticed is that apps usually compile to a pretty outdated looking version of android. (I'm not sure which one but my guess is android froyo or gingerbread), and it causes the apps I make to crash frequently on newer devices, especially xiaomi ones, plus the old UI makes the entire app feel kind of outdated. I was wondering if it was possible to make the app compile to AT LEAST android 4.4 since it's not old as a fossil but it's still pretty widely used on devices, plus it may make the app not crash as often. (I may be mistaken though, since I do not get a popup saying "this app is for an older version of android", plus MIUI isn't the most stable thing ever so it's totally possible it's an issue on my (and my friend's) end)
But I just wanted to ask, I mean how could that hurt? :smiley:

Choose one of the following options on screen 1.


What you see at the moment is the classic option.

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Oh I didn't know it was just the theme! May I ask what android version the apps compile to? I'm kinda curious :sweat_smile: Also thanks for the very fast reply!

This depends on what components you have in your app, but right now apps will have a minimum SDK support of 7 (Android 2.0.1) and a target SDK of 31 (Android 12). By choosing "Device Default" theme, your app will get the standard theme for whichever version of Android it is run on.

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