Is there a Discord server about MIT App Inventor?

I just preffer the quick response times and way that Discord servers work. Thats why I'm asking if there's a Discord Server. It doesnt necesarrily needs to be just about MIT App Inventor, it could be about Android programming in general. I would also like to know if there's any Discord Server to learn to program in general.
Thanks in advance.
Pd: Sorry if this isnt allowed. does not show much.

Have you Googled "android discord" or anything similar. One way to find out. :slight_smile:

Thanks! I just joined.

The link to the discord does not work anymore

The best thing is to ask in the subreddit if there is another discord server. Maybe if you use Google you can find another one.


Why do you need a discord link if we have a community here that can discuss questions?

If you want to discuss about app development (even not about App Inventor), you can use the General Discussion category.

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I searched on Google and couldn't find any. Then I was looking for a discord for the extra features that the application offers and I am very active on it for different topic