I've A, B, C, D columns E is auto increment
I'm able edit on D column row by this script
I would like also EDIT on A column row and I don't want to touch B,C columns row.
Is it possible or I should EDIT all columns ?
I've A, B, C, D columns E is auto increment
I'm able edit on D column row by this script
I would like also EDIT on A column row and I don't want to touch B,C columns row.
Is it possible or I should EDIT all columns ?
I show how to do this in my CRUDII guide:
// Edit/Update existing record, requires index/row and current col1 to match
else if ( fn == 'UPDATE' ) {
var index = e.parameter.INDEX; //index in list
var col1 = e.parameter.COL1; // current/existing value of col1 - it could be replaced...
var data = e.parameter.DATA.split(','); //new data
var range = sh.getRange((parseInt(index)+1),1,1,data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < rg.length; i++ ) {
if ( index != undefined && i == index && col1 == rg[i][0] ) {
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Record updated");
You send the script a comma separated list of the row values (after editing them) e.g.
e.parameter.DATA = "21/06", "000123","COLA 1L",10
then the script should do the rest
the script it's confusing me , is there any other options?
Develop your existing script to setValues()
for columns 1 - 4, instead of just column D.
(it is a bit easier to overwrite columns you do not want to change with the same/existing values, as opposed to setting each cell individually with setValue()
Like this:
if (e.parameter.Action == "Update_Truck") {
var data =[[e.parameter.Date, e.parameter.Box]];
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Success");
I would like only update e.parameter.Date and e.parameter.Box
so setValue I out (1-4)
is it correct with script?
Not quite....
You first need to also provide the values you are not updating (these will just overwrite) e.g.
data = [[e.parameter.Date, eparameter.qrCode, e.parameter.item, e.parameter.Box]]
then your code to set the row items
Does this work for you ?
Also, for future help requests, please use the MIT App Inventor Help
category, not General Discussion
IS it correct?
if (e.parameter.Action == "Update_Truck") {
var data =[[e.parameter.Date, "'" + e.parameter.Qrcode, e.parameter.Item, e.parameter.Box]];
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Success");
Sure I'll thanks for remining
Did you try it ?
I guess you could also do it like this:
if (e.parameter.Action == "Update_Truck") {
var newDate =[[e.parameter.Date]];
var newBox =[[e.parameter.Box]];
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Success");
Working this is exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much @TIMAI2
if (e.parameter.Action == "Update_Truck") {
var truck_date =[[e.parameter.Date]];
var truck_box =[[e.parameter.Box]];
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Success");
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Thank you so much Appinventor Team members for helping.
special thanks for @TIMAI2 @Spicy_Topics @dora_paz @SHUBHAMR69
this should be setValue()
(no s
at the end)
done, thanks!
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