Is it possible to store Chinese characters in google sheet?

Hey guys !
I want to create a storage system, and I want to store my data in my google drive.

However, I try so much time to store Chinese characters to my google sheet which is in my google drive, but app inventer2 always ignore the characters . Through testing, It is successful to store English characters and numbers(stored in text block, not stored in integer blocks) .For example : If I input "測試123中文test",and the output would be "123test"(ignore 4 characters "測" 、"試"、 "中"、 "文").

Sorry for that I have already searched on google many times about this question on Taiwan or other Countries' website, but nothing information could help me solve .
Here is what I followed steps from the video: thanks for helping!

Are you attempting to use App Inventor to control a googlesheet that is in Chinese?


or use pinyin instead of glyphs?


Try this method, is working for me...




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Thanks for your response! It doesn't like a language problem cause I try POST my data directly through url POST(e.g. http://myapiurl?data="測試123test") and it works and data is completely stored in google sheet

Thanks for your response! I will try it and figure out the problems.

It works!!
I guess there was something wrong on my codes

I used string to post , but I don't why string can't post completely .

I followed your advice and change String into list, and then address them from app script.

Finally, it is successful! thanks a lot for your helping! Have a good day!

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