Is it possible to receive payments in the app?

good morning guys, I was wondering if it was possible to receive money in the app.
I'll try to explain.
I would like to create a dice game, a game just for my family, where only two people can play.
My brother and I play and decide to play $1.
Whoever wins gets the money bet.
I would like it to be real and in fact whoever wins should receive the money.
Is it possible to make a game like that?
How do you bet real money?
How could the money pass from one player to another?

If you want to play only with your family then why you need payment gateway you can transfer money hand to hand,

sure i can do it, but i would like to know if it is possible to do it in app

Read the Google Play TOS here


thanks, but I don't want to publish on google play, I just want a family game and I would like, if possible, some advice or help to understand how I can develop this procedure.
that is, do I have to rely on some site? or how can I make the money pass from me who loses to my family member who wins?

you could use a external app and use a listener extension for make that. you could use taifun listener extension

There are payment gateway extensions available
You can find them in the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps
For example PayPal...

To not have to pay too much fees, you could have some logic in your app to keep everyones loss or win and do a transfer only once a week or month...


Thank you Taifun, your help and advice was very helpful for me