like if first button is pressed a certain task is done and when 2nd button is pressed another task is done but if both are pressd a new task is performed.
At the same time, or one after another?
Here's an experiment for you
Make a label with text 0 (the number)
Pull in two buttons.
When button1 touch down set label.text to label text+ 1
When button1 touch up set label.text to label.text -1
Do the same for button2 but with+/-2
See if you can reach 3 in the label.text
some kind of like one button is pressed and then second button pressed too.(both pressed)
Do the experiment.
its not working it jus the text it cannot perform math function
it could be possible with some kind of counter
create 2 variables like b1,b2 set them to false
create a function that checks the button states like
if b1 and b2 : print "3"
elseif b1 : print "2"
elseif b2 : print "1"
when a button pressed set that value to true and then call that function also set the button value to false after the function was called.
You are asking whether a developer can make an app that recognizes when two Buttons are both selected SIMULTANEOUSLY? I believe that is impossible using the native controls.
How is it posible in android/iOs to click twobuttons at once?
Use the touchDown event only
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