Is it Possible Receive Sharing Data From Other App?

Hi, I just create my app using app inventor and have find many things that we can do in app inventor

There is a question cross my mind. We know app inventor have social media sharing function so we can share data to other app. But is it possible to do the opposite way where we can receive the share data from other app?

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Hi @Sandi_Fajariadi Welcome
Currently it is not possible.

Oohh, ok, well I still hope for it :grin:

Kodular offers the Got Received Shared event for this

see also


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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Hi @Taifun wow, kodular have that function. So the option either start dev using kodular or wait until app inventor has the same.

Do you know
what is MIT App Inventor made for?

Hi @Salman_Dev, well, I believe everyone has a different perspective when using App Inventor, but if we look at this explanation here:

it says:
"App Inventor lets you develop applications for Android phones using a web browser and either a connected phone or emulator. "

:thinking: :sweat_smile: :thinking:

MIT AI2 is a learning tool
Copied from Peter

yeah that true :+1: :smiley: :+1:

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