IpTV Extension (watch free TV channels)

May I please have permission to upload this to Google Play? I will give you credit.

Hi @thood,
this is only a sample to show how the extension works, not a complete app, I suggest You to create your own app.
Best Regards

oh, ok. I still want to use your app inventor-created app to make my app. It would basically be remixing your app.

sorry is it a app or project?

This is what my page looks like...

... it won't play.

Hi @zainsalimhassan,
the channel database is maintained by https://iptv-org.github.io/ not all channels are online. In your case, go to the page www.boxplus.com You find

Hello Marco.

I have a question.

1- I didn't use the extension, but the use i will do is specific.
2- I read and the utility is BY SEARCHING.
I want to choose 10 channels and no more than that.
And are from generally 3 countries.
Can i do this?
Again i write this, because from the examples and from the blocks i see, (search, country, language,etc), and not an specific id to show. That's all.

Hi @German_Skena,
with GetChannels on limit write 10,
there isn't an id for search but You can write the name channel to search
about the country You can choose only one at a time.
In the sample I use a tinydb to save the channels that I like
Best Regards

Thanks Marco.

Well. If i cannot use an ID for choose what i need to use, this extension doesn't help me.
BUT, it's a good extension, I test it and works very well.

Again. Tante Gratzie.

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Can you send an aia file for the app?

Hi @thood,
You have to look better the .aia is already present:

and here the latest extension version:

Best Regards

It is exactly all I need! All I need to do is slap a splash screen on and call it a real app. Can you tell me how it works? Like how does it find channels?