iOS build server updated to 2.64.6

@ewpatton when are you planned to delivery the new version for to solve the IPA problem of the Screen1.Initilize mistake?

The iOS buildserver version has been updated to match the currently running ai2 functionality on the frontend as well as the MIT App Inventor for iOS companion version available on Apple TestFlight.

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This is good news for the inventors of the Apple IOS @ewpatton

The generate iPA file not runs well. The IPA close after open without any message. The iOS Companion runs well.

Please send me your latest AIA so I can test it.

I will send by PM. It is a big AIA, running the same aia for Android and iOS.

Hello @ewpatton
Also I send here a easy example when you can test that this aia runs well with the iOS Companion but the generated IPA not runs (when you exec the IPA it open and close inmediatly with none message).
simpleSplash_timer.aia (60.5 KB)

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It doesn't work with any AIA (not even one without components/blocks).
The IPA crashes... (without any error/message).

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I am investigating.

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Also investigate about companion crash error when Firebase DB taken from the palette

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Firebase is not supported on iOS.

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On Android this is making errors also,

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Hello guys i am new let me know how to use this website.

Welcome Mukta Devi, How are you?

Use Search option :pray:

I believe I have fixed the issue that causes the IPA files to crash on startup. Please recompile your projects and see if it works now.

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Please keep the topic relevant, do not report Android issues in this topic, this is specifically for iOS testing.

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Okay, Mr Kumar Swamy


Your short-term memory doesn't seem to be the best. :wink:

Perfect¡¡¡ Now the iOS Builder is running well.