Invoke: unable to invoke method `StoreValue` in object of type boolean. in firebase

I have tried many times and I get this error, can someone help me.
The first picture is an error when I use the iPhone, and the second picture is another error display when I try to use an Android phone. firebaseDB

At the moment Firebase isn't supported on iOS. We're hoping to see it added to a future release.

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Is that just the Firebase component ? Could one use the web component and the Firebase REST api instead ?

Yes, that's a possibility. We haven't had a chance to thoroughly review the Firebase SDK for iOS so we're not certain that the means by which we use Firebase on Android will translate.

But I use an Android phone to display this error.

That error is due to how you are using Firebase and isn't really due to App Inventor. The key you are using is invalid and that is what Firebase is informing you of. Keys need to follow the Firebase constraints.