Invoke no method named get value in class java.lang.boolean how solve this error

yes sir !!

we cannot switch on another screen with continoues bluetooth connection ?

We can't because each Screen is in fact individual, as though it did not belong to the whole.

However: The answer is to use Virtual Screens.
When we define virtual screens, we use one 'real' App Inventor Screen (most often Screen1). Screen-sized Vertical Arrangements on it are displayed/hidden as required - they are the Virtual Screens. This is generally a better approach for multi-screen Apps, they share data without having to "pass" it between screens and it also reduces code duplication, making the App more efficient and the code easier to follow if you have to return to it at a later date.

So, instead of seperate "houses", virtual screens are rooms of the same "house".

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ok got it !!

sir i want another one feature in cloud chat app is , whenever i opened my application i dont want previous messages , then what changes i should do?

That's unusual, most Chat Apps retain the messages. I don't now how your App works, how it displays the messages, but it should be possible to clear the chat area when the Screen Initializes via the Screen Initialize Block.

can u explain through any example ?so i do the same in my app!!

I can't, I don't know how your App works - how does it display the Chat messages?

this is my blocks

this one i make right now as u say so it is correct or not for clear previous messages?

That would clear all chats stored under that tag, yes.

What does ListView1 do, display the chats?

How to clear a ListView:


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yes sir that only

i ask that only to u app was like in text box i do msg and click on submiit button then those msg i saw in list view this is working of my app
but i want when i opened app i donr t want previous meassages so what should i do ...

is i have to clear the cloud db or clear list view .....which one is right and if right how i do those please can u explain me?

For you to judge - if you clear the Db, the chat is gone forever. If you clear the ListView, the display of the chat is gone, but can be restored.

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ok sir !! how i used block to do both ?

this for clear the list view and if i use this under the screen intializes then list view is clear right?

Correct - but you don't have to ask, just experiment!

what i do is not working