Introduce listPicker in a textbox list

Is there someone who can help me
How can I correct this message?

I have a message

I use the CRUD guide

Your first item in this can't possibly be a textbox component.

Why did you put it in this list of textbox components?


Thanks for your faster answer

Because I Need to send a form where some things are textBox , another are listPicker and the last one is datepicker.

But I don't know how could do It

use the Text property of the textboxes rather than the textbox components themselves
Taifun mean a value/item name from the List Picker and the date value from the Date Picker, and the text from the Text Boxes. So that is how to build your List, with the required values, not the components.

Start with an empty list and use code to populate it with the values.

A really rough example (it's very late here):

ListOfValues.aia (3.8 KB)

Thanks for the answer, I am going yo take a look, I creat a make an empty list and It do not show me any mixtake. But the Info Is not charge in thé Spreadsheet.