Internal Error occuring

the error occurs when in the block section i click on any component i am using

The 'code'...server appears to be working properly. That does not happen to me.

What browser are you using?
Are you using the Android Companion or the iOS Companion?



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Chrome should be fine.

  1. What happens if you try the Project in the main App Inventor server?
  2. What happens if you start a new Project? Do you still have the same issue when you load a simple Project that just consists in a Button? The problem you have might be your current Project is very large and that might be causing your issue.

The project is fairly big i guess

Export your .aia file and upload it here.

I am not a newbie :crazy_face:

It looks like your project is corrupted...
Import your latest backup and restart from there...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Yes, Even I think so its corrupted. Even my project got corrupted and I have to delete it and start over.

It was my appathon project :crying_cat_face: i have 2 days old backup

If you send us the exported project we can analyze it to understand why it is giving you an internal error.