Interesting App Inventor Project Names?

Started this discussion just for fun.

#1 - I can use spaces in MIT App Inventor project names!

Normally if you type a project name to start a new project, you will see this.


That's not always the case! If you load a project in the Gallery that has spaces in their titles, the App Inventor project does not turn spaces into underscores!

Use this URL for example. Click Load App Into MIT App Inventor.


#2 - Interesting Project Names Limitation

If you type a project name as "new" or "CsvUtil", you get this strange dialog.


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You know why this happens. It is due to those names present in App Inventor's engine code

But still I have posted a bug report on GitHub about this

... That could be a bug I guess??

Is it happening with all projects which contains space?

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it is happening from the gallery all projects with spaces and loading them in app inventor

I think it is only check project name while creating new project but not on loading from gallery.

Maybe developer forgot this during implementation time.

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but can you please implement this??

@AyProductions, @gordonlu310 it would be great if you well define this problem with the images which you showed in main post.

This will help the contributor to get idea what exactly happening.

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hmm.. Quite Intersesting indeed ! :face_with_monocle:

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